
Diversity & Inclusion

At Morganti, we believe that diversity and inclusion are key to best business practices. We believe that diverse minds come together to achieve greatness and success instead of great minds think alike. One of Morganti’s greatest strengths always has been the diversity of our workforce. From upper management, support staff and project staff to subcontractors and clients who are the heart of our projects, this culture allows for a wide base of talent.

Morganti is an Equal Opportunity Employer, and our employees are diverse in gender, race, and ethnicity. We are a true melting pot, and we pride ourselves on that. We encourage, empower and enable participation by Small Business Enterprises (SBE), Minority Business Enterprises (MBE), and Woman-Owned Business Enterprises (WBE) on all our projects, and we work closely with each owner to achieve and often exceed their minority contractor participation goals.